Announcement of New Publications

Tibet House has a long tradition of Monastic Dialogue Seminars often organized in collaboration with Tibetan Monasteries in India.

The seventh Monastic Dialogue on Indian Philosophical Thought and Pramana held in 2003 was unique in facilitating a dialogue not only amongst traditions of Buddhist thought, but also including scholar – practitioners from other Indian philosophical traditions such as  Vedanta, Sankhya, Nyayavaisesika, Purvamimamsa and Jaina.

1) The proceedings of the seminar is published under the title Pramana:
Dharmakirti and the Indian Philosophical Debate (in English language) 2010. Priced  Rs. 350.00

2) Tibet House organized four day international conference on Mahayana Buddhism: History and Culture at India International centre in 2005.  His Holiness the Dalai Lama inaugurated the seminar.  A collection of eleven papers presented by internationally renowned scholars at the conference is published under the title Mahayana Buddhism: History and Culture (in English language) 2008. Priced Rs. 250.00

3) Zamatog Volume IX (in Tibetan language) 2009. Priced Rs. 200.00

The above new publications can be ordered from:  

Publication Incharge
Tibet House
Cultural Centre of His Holiness the Dalai Lama
1, Institutional Area, Lodhi Road, New Delhi – 110 003
Phone: +91 11 24611515    Email: tibethouse@airtelmail.in

Also, Tibet House is looking for local distributors of its publications (both English and Tibetan) initially in the following four localities:

1)    Bylakuppe
2)    Mundgod
3)    Dharamsala
4)    Majnu-ka-Tila, Delhi

Those interested are requested to contact us at the above mentioned address.

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