Tibet Watch
Two Full-Time Researchers, Dharamsala
Competitive Salary
Tibet Watch is recruiting two researchers (based in Dharamsala) to conduct interviews, monitor and analyse news and information from Tibet.
Tibet Watch is particularly interested to hear from female candidates.
For a qualified candidate, a more senior role is also available which includes task management and reporting to the London office. (Researcher and Office Supervisor)
Tibet Watch is a UK registered charity promoting the human rights of the Tibetan people by providing accurate information about the situation in Tibet, for the purpose of international advocacy and awareness-raising. Through collaboration with London-based staff, recent projects have included briefings to international media and a submission to the United Nations Committee against Torture.
The successful candidate will have excellent links with Tibet and the exiled Tibetan community. The ideal candidate can demonstrate their suitability for the post through experience in interviewing, or research. S/he must have strong interpersonal and communication skills, and will need to be able to demonstrate initiative. The candidate must have excellent written and spoken Tibetan and English.
For a detailed person specification and job description and how to apply please email sophie@tibetwatch.org.
Closing date for completed applications: 31 March 2009